Cool Video from 350
September 30, 2009, 6:48 pm
Filed under: announcements, Fredericton Cluster

2455612216_fb5d5bbc67_s2438608523_411cd0a7b3_sCheck out this great video!


September 29, 2009, 12:34 pm


Final Report by Kenn Stright

 What goes in to being a Regional Rep for Kairos from one AGM to the next?

 Last year I reported on my first year experience which had me go from local meetings to regional meetings to national meetings and workshops, including a visit to interested folk in St. John’s, NL. This year was much different but just as intense.

 At the last AGM we began to realize that indeed it was ‘The End of the World as we Know It’ as we heard of the National Kairos gathering o be held in June and as we heard that funding for the next AGM was to be dramatically cut. How little did we know of the financial crisis just looming before us, transforming much of what we had begun to think of as ‘normal’.  It didn’t take long for this to cut into the work of Kairos as we heard the first of the restructuring plans and then the end of the anti-Poverty fund. 

In the midst of the financial crisis, planning for the National Gathering, an unexpected move of the National Kairos Office, cuts in staffing, and a host of other issues, the actual work of Kairos still got done.

 Kenn joined the other Regional Reps for their annual meeting as well as attending the ACE Committee meetings (Oct. 17-20). An added item to the agenda was a workshop on Aboriginal concerns in preparation for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. This meeting also told us quite explicitly how things would be changing in Kairos’ future. 

 Even at this point excitement was building for the National Gathering in Waterloo. The regions were to be the first to choose delegates to attend. One would have expected a rush of interested people to come forward. It took well beyond the deadline to get most of the Atlantic delegates in place and this constantly changed as the dates drew near. In the end Atlantic Canada was well represented, especially in the number and quality of younger delegates. The Atlantic delegation led Saturday morning worship for the event. I find it amazing how much time it took to get worship and delegates  in place!

 The National Gathering was better than any could have expected. The presenters and the program were simply excellent and the level of participation high. With no spring reps meeting, this proved an opportunity for the regional reps to get together and share plans and problems associated with the altered AGM’s being proposed for the Fall.

  One aspect of being the regional representative was the establishment of our regional blog. In many ways it has been a great success with articles and items appearing from across the region and all these become archived so they are never lost! However the blog was meant to give instant access to all groups and clusters to share minutes and news and updates. However, no-one is really using it in this way, instead sending most items to me. This is totally unnecessary!

 Being part of a local cluster is where the actual work gets done in Kairos. Our local group hosted a National Human Rights Workshop in association with National Staff.  I (and Bev) represented the Halifax group over the year on a coalition against bottled water. What an amazing amount of time this took but what a lot of progress was make in a very short time. Brother Omar returned to address the issues of free trade with Colombia and members of the cluster went with him to talk with the local MP. We changed Kairos Sunday to the spring and had Margaret Sagar lead us on ‘Whales, Wonder and Wisdom’ to celebrate Earth Day Sunday. We had members attend a preliminary meeting to look at the issues facing the churches that ran residential schools. What an amazing range to draw the interests of a diverse membership!

 We have found that local activity really does depend on the interests of the members of the group – whether the issues be environment, poverty, peace, Palestinian fair trade, or a plethora of other issues.

 The position of regional representative really does become all consuming. It needs someone who is very flexible with time and commitment, someone who is motivated to go out and ‘grow’ this movement from the grassroots, someone who can motivate oldtimers and newbys alike. It really does require constant effort and commitment. I think I was the only non-retired Representative and this is telling both of the commitment necessary and also the age of the movement itself. The National Gathering has gone a long way in approaching a new generation but we are a long way from being an inclusive movement.  I would love to continue in this capacity but am totally frustrated with my inability to make meetings and give the time necessary to do this well.

Final ACE Meeting Report
September 29, 2009, 12:31 pm
Filed under: announcements, News

The following is an abbreviated report of the Kairos Meetings in Toronto.


Meetings began at St.Thomas Anglican Church on Huron St. in downtown Toronto. In the morning we attended an educational event sponsored by the Toronto Central Kairos Group. It included a talk by Alanna Mitchell, author of “Sea Sick” and Lynn MacDonald of “Just Earth”. Alanna spoke on “why” we should be concerned about climate change by giving us quick excerpts from her book about the health of the world’s oceans. The figures were stunning! Lynn spoke more on the “how’ we can have our voices heard.


Regional Reps Meeting: (chaired by Susan Draper, BC/Yukon Regional Rep)

Saturday afternoon was spent together at St. Thomas with the other Regional Reps. We welcomed to the group two young folks who had attended the National Gathering. Cydney Proctor (Anglican) was from Halifax and Hendrik Lars (Christian Reform) was from Hamilton. Each region gave a report of things going on in their region. There was lots of discussion about the National Gathering, the Future of the Regional Gatherings and how to make young adult connections. The young folks were very vocal and kept the conversation lively.


Education, Communication and Animation (ACE) Meeting: (co-chaired by Susan Draper and Christie Neufeldt, UCC rep)

Sunday morning we gathered at the United Church House on Bloor Street. We opened with worship (Treasures in Jars of Clay). This meeting was attended by the regional reps, our two young guests, denominational justice staff and Kairos ACE staff. We heard reports from the denominational staff, a summary of the reports for the regional reps., a report from Jennifer Henry on the National Gathering, a campaign update on the Climate Change/Poverty material, the Kairos Church Leader’s Tour to the Tar Sands, discussion on the future of the present regional gatherings, youth involvement and the reorganization of Kairos. This was the final ACE Program Meeting. It is unclear at this time how the regions will feed into Kairos under the new reorganization.


Strategic Planning for Kairos’ Future: (co-chaired by Henriette Thompson (board rep. Anglican) and John Mihevc (Kairos Staff/Team leader: Sustainability)

Monday, we met again at the UCC House on Bloor St. We opened with worship “Friends of God and Prophets: the never ending movement for justice”. The day was spent looking at program themes for Kairos in the areas of Sustainability and Dignity and Rights for the period 2010-2015. Other groups are being invited to participate in this same discussion. After three days of discussions, everyone was weary. Hopefully this discussion will continue at the regional level.


Bev McDonald

(sitting in for Kenn Stright, Atlantic Regional Rep.)

Halifax Cluster September meeting
September 14, 2009, 9:07 am
Filed under: Halifax Cluster



PRESENT: Linda Scherzinger , Ruth Bishop , Marilyn Smith , Fran Paton , Carolyn Earle, Sharon Murphy, Margaret Sagar , Sr. Theresa Chu , Sr. Mary Burke-Gaffney, Sr. Margaret Connolly, Sr. Gerry Lancaster, Sr. Jo, Bev McDonald

REGRETS: Kenn Stright

Bev McDonald opened the meeting by welcoming Ruth Bishop , a new member representing the Quakers. We were also blessed with the presence of Sr. Jo who is a missionary serving in Uganda and presently staying at Barat Residence on medical leave.

Carolyn Earle began with a short remembrance of the life of Elizabeth Brown who passed away recently. Elizabeth had been part of many justice projects over the years including the formation of Phoenix House, Ten Days for World Development, Face of Poverty, the Nova Scotia Gambia Assoc. and many others. We will miss Elizabeth .

Fran Paton gave an informal report of her experience in Waterloo at the Kairos National Gathering in June. She missed the Anti-Poverty segment at the beginning due to transportation difficulties and would have very much liked to have taken that in. She found the speakers generally good as well as the small groups. The opening worship with aboriginal members was very effective. She found people polite and helpful but found the walk long from her residence to the main venue.

Linda Scherzinger gave an excellent report from the local Halifax committee for action against climate change who are planning events for the week up to October 24. The work of this coalition is drawn from a number of sources including “350.org” and “KyotoPlus”. It’s all a lead up to UN Climate Change meetings in Copenhagen in December where a follow up draft to the Kyoto Protocol will be approved. Canada is lagging behind other nations so the pressure is now on to increase public awareness of the critical state of affairs as regards climate change. A Halifax event is planned for the Commons on the 24th. Churches are being approached to ring their bells 35 times at 3:50 PM the afternoon of October 24…International Day of Climate Change Action. Since climate change will affect the most vulnerable members of our planet first, Kairos action this year calls the week leading up to Oct 24 as “The Week of Climate Justice and Global Poverty’. We are all asked to do our bit, to get the word out, bring the problem up with local politicians and have copies of the petition (with KyotoPlus materials) distributed and signed. A film “The Age of Stupid” will be shown at the Oxford Theatre.

Carolyn Earle gave a report for the “Face of Poverty”. Their annual church service will be held this year on Sunday, Nov. 22 at 7 PM at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Dartmouth ( 216 School St .) Pauline Ravine will be the speaker and the Shining Lights Choir will sing. Other dates to keep in mind are Nov 20…International Children’s Day, Nov. 22 (Children’s Sunday… this year the emphasis is on Children in Care) and Nov. 22 when parliament will deal with the resolution on Child Poverty in Canada .

Sharon Murphy gave a brief report on her work with poverty. She will be attending a conference sponsored by the Basic Income Earth Network to be held in Ottawa in November. She reminded us that NAPO has a new name “Canada Without Poverty”. They are running a “Dignity for All Campaign” urging the development of a federal poverty reduction strategy.

Margaret Sagar gave a brief resume of the life of Muriel Duckworth. There will be a celebration of Muriel’s life to be held later this month. Please keep posted.

Our next meeting will be at 2 PM , Wednesday, October 7th. Bev McDonald

Truro September Meeting
September 10, 2009, 2:55 pm
Filed under: Truro and Area Cluster
Present: Sandra, Joanna, Rhoda, Doris, Lorne, Don, Bart, Joan
Regrets: Jocelyn
Meeting opened at 11:45
Doris welcomed the committee and read an inspirational piece, “Planet Earth”.
Treasurers Report:
$140.00 which includes a $50.00 donation from Immaculate Conception.  Joan will send a note of appreciation to Father Darius.
Don reported on Kairos response to his letter about AIDS medications for Africa.  He will make a motion at the Regional Conference challenging all members to write in support.
New Business:
a) Regional Kairos Meeting, September 26, 5 members plan to attend the Saturday portion.
b) Climate Change-350.  October 24th event planned for a film, “The Earth”, a compelling look at climate change, a march with banners to coincide with the ringing of church bells. Lorne/Joanna
Location: NSCC (Joanna), Publicity: MLA’s (Joanna, Doris), Federal Nominee (Doris), County mayor and council (Bart), Town mayor and council (Doris), Churches (Doris, Rhoda, Joan), Schools (Joanna), Garden Clubs (Joan), Bible Society (Joan), Press (Doris), Living Earth Council (Doris, Bart)
c) Petition to Federal Government on Climate Change: Copies distributed to members for churches and other venues.
a) Bart reported on the Waterloo Conference,  “The End of the World, As We Know It”.  There was no general resolution or direction.  However the speakers offered good information and there was general open feedback.  Topics included Aboriginal Justice, Water Quality, AIDS, Food Security.  A Sacred Fire burned for 70 hours with predawn daily Aboriginal ceremonies.
b) Bart accepted the nomination as chair, January 2010.  Joanna/Lorne.
c) Worship for October- Joan
Joan closed the meeting with a prayer of Thanksgiving.
Next Meeting: October 14th.
Meeting adjourned 1:15