February 25, 2010, 6:53 am
Filed under: announcements

The March Meeting of the Kairos Halifax Cluster will meet on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 1:30 PM at Barat Residence on Summer Street in Halifax . Note the change in meeting time from 2:00 to 1:30 PM.


  1. Kairos Sunday Service (please give this one some thought as to date, location and guest speaker).
  2. The Situation with Kairos National
  3. The Water Campaign
  4. The Environment
  5. Poverty Issues
  6. Refugee Issues
  7. Other


Please come and bring a friend

More Letters of Support
February 23, 2010, 10:08 am
Filed under: announcements, Items of interest, News

So many organizations have rallied to the Kairos cause, such as this from the AEC:

Atlantic Ecumenical Council

February, 2010

 To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the Atlantic Ecumenical Council of Churches  I wish to express my disappointment over the very abrupt and disturbing news with regards to cutting the funding to Kairos. 

As a Council that focuses on sharing resources, encouraging one another in the Christian faith and practice, and simply appreciating the strength of the church worldwide, our shock was deep. 

As Christians, we hold deeply to the words found in Micah 6:8, which state:

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.


It is our prayer that consideration will be given to reinstating this funding, which has been  used to ‘act justly and show mercy’ around the world. 

It would also be helpful if an in-depth explanation for this unexpected action was forthcoming.


 Rev. Marlene Knowles (President)

Minutes of Kairos Colchester Cluster, February 10, 2010
February 12, 2010, 7:42 am
Filed under: Truro and Area Cluster
Minutes of Kairos Colchester Cluster, February 10, 2010
Present: Bart, Rhoda, Doris, Don, Lorne, Joan
Regrets: Lori Crocker
Barton welcomed all and presented the agenda.
Worship: Rhoda read a passage from Matthew (10:16) and a commentary which is appropriate to our times.
1. Barton reported on our meeting with Scott Armstrong.  Scott’s opinion is that Kairos funding was cut due to criticism of the tar sands and consequently of the government.  He also indicated that Kairos’ objectives might not be congruent with CIDA’s new mandate of humanitarian relief.  The delegation provided updates of Kairos’ mission, and asked Scott what it would take to restore funding.  Scott agreed to discuss this with Minister Oda.
2. Kairos National is working to educate government in hope of restoring funding.  A grass roots movement resulted in local groups contacting 57 Conservative MP’s, slightly over half.  More appointments are scheduled.  Greg Kerr is notably among Nova Scotia MP’s not to be approached.  Perhaps a combined delegation of Kairos’ members will approach Mr. Kerr.
3.  In view of what we have learned from our interview with Scott Armstrong, Barton will suggest that Kairos National, in light of CIDA’s updated mission, return to its original goals of social justice, food security and humanitarian relief, and abandon, for the time being, issues of Canadian political sensitivity.
4. The committee approved Joan’s letter of support for a feasibility study regarding CMHA’s Homelessness initiative.
5. Earth Day suggestions: A church service on “What I can do to make a difference”, and Earth Hour, in which all lights and appliances are turned off for one hour on April 22nd.
6.  World Water Day (WWD), March 22nd:  Introduction to WWD  is on March 11, “Bottle Water Free Day”.  We will make a presentation on Seedy Saturday about water protection, specifically related to the cosmetic pesticide ban.  Barton will design a pamphlet to be distributed at St. Andrew’s Church at this event.
4. Doris reminded the group that 2,781 dolls for AIDS orphans have been sent from our area to ICROSS.  The next doll day is April 11th.  
Doris advocated that all churches use Kairos materials for their Earth day and World Water Day presentations.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:20 pm.
Next meeting: March 10, 2010.
Joan MacDonald, Secretary

Kairos Halifax February Meeting
February 8, 2010, 9:37 am
Filed under: Halifax Cluster

Minutes from the Halifax Cluster of Kairos

February 3, 2010

In attendance: Bev M, Kenn S, Marilyn S, Gerry L, Theresa C, Mary Burke-Gaffney, Linda S.,  Sr. Margaret, Erika McCroskey, Carolyn Earle, Judy Wyspianski, Margaret Sagar, Larry, Ruth, Carolyn B.    

Gerry began with a reflection on the suffering of Haiti.

Erika introduced herself to the meeting.

Old Business: Local actions: Review of all that has been happening since the ‘defunding’ of Kairos on November 30th. Update on lobbying efforts.

Gerald Keddy meeting update (Kenn and others).

Geoff Regan open meeting on foreign aid (Gerry did an update). Looks like a whole different emphasis.

Margaret talked about the wider implications of these issues.

Communications Committee: Denominational efforts seem the way to proceed… spoke of all the various efforts taking place. Kairos said it really couldn’t do anything like a bulletin, etc. Margaret – need to make people aware of what this is doing to our partners; also ‘Minute for Mission’ for folks. Make certain it is sent on to the rest of us!

Report from the Walk for Gaza:      Linda gave an update on the walk… well attended across the board. Represented a good cross section of society. (Tolen: The Lemon Tree)

Linda has ordered materials to study the issues.


Local Poverty issues:  Carolyn talked about plans for the New Year – hopes for the poverty reduction strategy. Next week (Tuesday, Feb 9… 1881 Brunswick  – street level floor –Social Worker of NS office – ‘Lunch and Learn’ – basic income. What effect with the increase in minimum age… should there be exceptions for those who receive tips.

Local Environmental concerns: Not much since Copenhagen – groups coming together – Climate Action Coalition – environmental, faith, educators etc. Public Event… “Beyond Copenhagen” – where now? Tuesday Night, 7:30 pm St. Andrew’s Hall

Will Kairos join the climate action coalition? The meeting said ‘yes’. Ruth the designated name to contact.

Postcards for the “Help Refugees Succeed End the burden of Transportation Loans” Campaign.    Bev has postcards – passed them around for us to use.

Bev is part of coalition that has brought Palestinians to Canada. Friends for Refugees having harder time getting funding… also on February 9th… Larry spoke about this initiative. Update on families that are here. Also spoke of changes in Palestinian camps by Canadian government.

Other: Kairos Sunday: will be near Earth Day. Will work on this later.

Next Meeting:

March 3 at 2:00 pm.

Place: Barat Residence

Summer St.

Minutes by K Stright