Halifax Cluster
January 30, 2013, 7:38 am
Filed under: Halifax Cluster

Kairos Halifax

Re: Notice of next meeting:

Wed. Feb. 6th; 1:30 PM;

at George Wright House, 989 Young Ave (SE corner of Inglis),



Kairos Halifax cluster


January 9th, 2012

l. Welcome and Introductions:Theresa, Lindsey, Wyn, Linda, Mary, Ruth, Carolyn, Gerry, Sharon, Debbie, Gail, Bill

2. Opening Prayers of Solidarity: Linda suggested that the group first pray together and then enter into responsive prayer in solidarity with Chief Theresa Spence, Idle No More and Aboriginal rights. One of the prayers was from the UCC Presbytery Church in Action committee and one from Kairos resources.

3. December 5th, 2012, Minutes: Bev McDonald, later in December, made corrections and additions to her input on Dec. 5th, which were forwarded to Linda who later distributed them to Kairos Halifax members. Both Wyn and Bev were thanked for their contributions in addition.

4. Treasurer`s report:Gerry advised that approximately $434.68 is contained within our account presently.

5. Correspondence:

Linda announced that she had received that morning correspondence from Kenn Stright, St David’s Presbyterian Church. He sent notice re a private developer, via the Housing Trust of Nova Scotia who wished to advise of their interest in providing rental accommodation for the working poor which would be reasonably priced and within their capacity to acquire – housing approximately 244 apartment units split between 2 new buildings. In answer to questions on rental rates, at a later date, it was divulged that a one-bedroom cost would be $780 and a 2-bedroom $980, with square footage of between 500-525 for a 1-bedroom and from 850-900 for a 2-bedroom. (The final para., above data, was acquired on Jan. 17that the information meeting the Housing Trust sponsored on that date, which Wyn attended.)

Sharon mentioned that she had attended several meetings Jan. 8th, one having to do with a Standing Committee and the other with respect to Community Services. Bill suggested that Sharon keep us informed. (Linda offered to provide each person with a copy of pertinent information.)

Communications were also received from Solidarity Halifax condemning the negativity of the current government where the rights of First Nations over time have been concerned. A‘Teach-in’ on why those involved are Idle No More is planned at Dalhousie, McCain, Scotia Bank Auditorium for Thurs. Jan. 10th. Activists will meet at the Grand Parade to address the stance Chief Spence has adopted concerning her decision to cease taking food until her requests are met on a Nation-to-Nation basis – with the Governor General present.

KAIROS national is inviting Kairos members to fast as well on Jan. 11th. For information purposes, Bill advised that fasts usually begin at sunrise and end at sunset. Other Canadians acting out of faith and for justice are inviting us to participate in a one-day solidarity fast with Chief Spence Friday Jan. 11th. An Aboriginal lawyer, Lorraine Land has laid out a summary of current legislation issues. Bill is asking everyone to ensure that people know what the UN Declaration is about, preparing for the time when we are asked to elaborate on it.

6. Priorities and Plans for the year: re issues, actions, and allies

Re what Kairos Canada has set out, such as: the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; Truth, Reconciliation and Equity – they matter to us (continuing in 2013) specifically, Aboriginal Rights, human rights (i.e.: migrant rights), sustainability, ecological justice (victims of climate change), working with partners local and global – i.e.: women of courage: Lucy and Claudia and Patti Bedwell-Doyle. Bill remarked that Idle No More is a grassroots movement and we need to focus on supporting the grass roots and not get caught in any of the political wrangling and divisions. Sharon interjected that on Feb. 14thre the abuse of women there would be an event at the Transition House (details to be announced). Bill asked Sharon to keep us advised.

Re what we have been working on in the past year and want to continue to pursue: attention to the fracking issue to acquire more data – is one way to follow-up on the Wabanaki gathering; TRC process is having trouble because the Conservative government will not release information required by the Commission. Bill indicated that one of the Commissioners (Mr. Sinclair) may seek to acquire it through legal channels. Violence against women and children: Chief Atleo is speaking out about the 600 First Nations women murdered in the last 2 decades in Canada. Sharon spoke about women who are in the forefront doing the heavy lifting e.g.: it has been 4 women who began the Idle No More recently.

Linda advised that she gathered a list of allies during the Women of Courage tour last June that shows there are many others locally with whom we share interests. She underlined that we must consider other entities as partners and allies both locally and beyond remaining open to opportunities as they emerge such as, i.e.: the Friendship Centre, ISM, the Native Women’s Asso., CAJJP, Amnesty International, Solidarity Halifax and other interested parties.

Debbie stated that she had received the minutes of her trip to Truro and would send a copy of them to Halifax Kairos.

Gerry spoke up saying that she feels we have been a little scattered in our work during the past year. She hopes that we can focus our work on Indigenous issues and concerns. Sharon voiced her agreement saying that women and First Nations’ concerns go together. Theresa also stated that these problems go together. Linda supported Gerry’s proposed priority for our work for the year and asked what others felt and if there were any other proposals or if anyone was against this as our priority. No one was opposed; all nodded agreement. Comments were made that a priority on Indigenous rights and concerns would include issues related to women and children, the UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Canadian legislation, anti-poverty, protection of the land, air and water, and many other concerns – local, regional and international.

Linda expressed appreciation that we had agreement on our focus and priority for our work for the coming year. As we work on the on-going Kairos Canada campaign, “Truth, Reconciliation and Equity – they matter to us” we will work with others who share our concerns when it is in our best interest to do so.

7. Practical Questions:

a. Meeting time and place: The next Kairos meeting will be held on the premises of Counsel of Women which is open at night for use as well as by day. The hour of the meeting will remain at 1:30 PM. Several other locations were mentioned as possibilities and as back-up if there is a time when the Counsel facilities are unavailable. It was mentioned that the Counsel would not expect a fee, but it was suggested that an honorarium be offered. In addition it was stated that the parking at the Counsel offices is very good.

Linda thanked Theresa for the years of provision of meeting space for Kairos and for the gracious hospitality provided.

b. Rotation of opening readings/monthly prayer: A sign-up sheet was passed around and individuals signed up as follows:

Feb. – Gerry; March – Mary; April – Billy; May – Lindsay Rankin; June – Wyn;

Sept. – Anne Leonard; Oct.– Linda; Nov. – ?; Dec. – ?

c. Rotating Chair – Linda proposed that the chair rotate annually mentioning that after Bev moved, Margaret chaired for one year and now Linda has chaired for one year. She is rotating out of the chair. Wyn felt one year was not long enough. Gerry felt that one year might be too long. She suggested that everyone think about a more creative way to share the leadership and the work of our Kairos group. Everyone was asked to continue to think creatively and to be prepared to discuss a new leadership plan and/or leader at the next meeting.

d. Creating a Kairos banner and/or placard for public events – Wyn volunteered to create a placard for Kairos Halifax for public events. Ruth volunteered to ask Heidi if she would help create a Kairos Halifax banner for public events.

8. Next Meeting: February 6th; to be held at 989 Young Ave, South East corner of Inglis, at 1:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted

Recording Secretary,

Wyn Farnell