Halifax Cluster November 2, 2011
November 2, 2011, 4:04 pm
Filed under: Halifax Cluster


November 2, 2011

1:30 p.m. at Barat Residence, Summer Street, Halifax .

1.Welcome and introductions– Wyn Farnell,  Linda Scherzinger, Theresa Chu,  Anna Parks,  Mary Rigby, Ruth Bishop,  Margaret Sagar, Sharon Murphy, Sister Margaret, Billy Lewis, Lindsay Rankin,  Roger Davies.  Note taker once again Kenn Stright.

Gerry Lancaster and Ruth Bishop regrets      Linda and Anna will co- chain

2.      Reflection, prayer-Anna led in a time of reflection (from “Our Land, Our Rights”  Isaiah 58:1-12) Sharing of resources   Prayer

3.         Correspondence   Letter fromSharonresigning from the Cluster

4.      Treasurers’ Report –  Bev, Gerry and Anna went and changed signing authorities and got cheques (free!) (We need to pay for T-shirts)

5.      Old Business:

A.      Update Gifts for the All Nations Drummers and some other individuals. This has been done.

B.      Update on Helen Ralston Memorial Gift –  Info  for book plates. Margaret will tell us when the books arrive.

C.      Regional event reflections Sept. 24 & 25 at Tatamagouche:  Lindsay learned a lot at the event. Found out so much about First Nations and Culture. Wyn impressed with the organization. Billy commented on how diverse organization can be and how effective it can be. Therea’s comments onAlmaand how moving it was (representing Antiguity). Links from past to present. Margaret said Jennifer Henry was great.

D.      TRC   Share thoughts and experiences. Kairo’s booth was well used and questions were excellent. Disseminate information to everyone. Our presentation was excellent (Gestures of Reconciliation). The “Walkers’ were impressive. Would like to see more community people… some confusion. Roger was there as a volunteer. Sacred Fire experience. The Commissioners were excellent.

“My happiness is my revenge.”  Seven words to change the world: “I’m sorry. I love you. Thank you.”

6.      New Business:

A.    Availability of new resource(s)

B.     How to follow-up on TRC and work with Indigenous peoples

.How to follow-up on TRC and work with Indigenous peoples. People from 3 Presbyterian Churches gathered on Sunday to debrief the TRC and explore the future. Came up with a ‘to-do’ list and have covenanted to gather in January to explore further and hope to connect interdenominationally.

We do get direction from Kairos National Office… we can speak to specific issues that are local… “Honouring the Children”. We can write in support of this…  The injustice is ongoing… abuse is continuing… need to write a letter in support of… maybe a draft to circulate… to provincial and federal.  Suggested Margaret write the letter (will circulate). Billy will look at what support is most appropriate. We’ll share the letter with various groups and encourage them to follow up as well.

Other issues will be addressed in the coming meetings.

Need to keep the momentum going.

November 6 there is a rally in support of Occupation move to Victoria Park (11-1). Billy and Theresa will talk with the Occupation.

Linda  1.  2 pm  Black community asking a walk this Sunday afternoon from Cornwallis Baptist.

            2.  Peace initiative “Concert forPalestine”:  Nov. 13,  2 pm at St. Patrick’s Church.

            3.  Letter writing to PM and M of Environment re. environmental network. Agree to a letter being written.

Note from Billy re. walk to NB regarding Fracking.

7.  Next Meeting.