Colchester Cluster
January 13, 2010, 6:31 pm
Filed under: Truro and Area Cluster
Minutes of the Kairos Colchester meeting, Wed. Jan. 13, 2010
Present: Barton, Rhoda, Don, Doris, Lorne, Joan
Regrets: Lori
The meeting opened at 12 noon.
Barton welcomed the members and remarked that we anticipate Lori Crocker joining us in the near future.  Perhaps she’ll bring others from her area.
Worship: Joan read a Celtic prayer.
New Business:
1. Response to the earthquake in Haiti was discussed.  Doris provided $100.00 from our funds to be sent to the orphanage, “Hands Across the Sea”.  Joan will call Yarmouth Wesleyan Church to see how the orphanage has fared.  Barton suggested that the local building supply stores might contribute materials which could be transported by frigate from Halifax.
2. Report on Kairos effort to restore funding.  Kairos has been formulating contingency plans should funding not be restored.  Barton reported that Kairos requests we visit the MP in our riding, targeting the Conservative MP in particular. This will give us an opportunity to correct any misinformation with education.  Kairos provided a list of talking points such as the value of Kairos in Third World countries on human rights issues, food security, etc.  Joan read Scott Armstrong’s response to her letter.  Barton will make an appointment to meet with Scott.  The South Shore group have a meeting scheduled with Gerald Keddy on January 15, 11 am,  storm date January 18, 4 pm.
The question of the anti-Semitism allegation was raised.  We concluded that the situation between Palestine and Israel is such a “hot button” that third parties could damage themselves and destroy any work that the two countries had established.
3. Come Out of the Cold project.  Joan described the long range plan to establish an apartment complex to house vulnerable peoples and which could provide office space for related agencies.  The group decided that we would support the initiative through delegating a committee member to attend meetings and correspondence as requested.
Joan closed with a Celtic benediction.
Worship service in February: Rhoda.
Meeting adjourned 1:15 pm.
Joan MacDonald, Secretary

January 7, 2010, 3:26 pm
Filed under: Halifax Cluster, News



JANUARY 6, 2010-01-07

In attendance – 22

(very rough notes from a very long meeting!)

Names and contacts were taken and people were thanked for coming – especially those who came to offer support and encouragement for Kairos at this point. (What a blessing to have Betty Peterson back with us!)

Bev welcomed everyone for coming.

Margaret Sagar began with readings from Brian Wren and Anne Weems.

Everyone present gave their names and interests and connections as we began this extraordinary meeting.

Kenn gave an overview and background of the issues facing Kairos and our response to date. Margaret went into greater depth on the meeting with Chris Yonke, Chief Advisor to Peter MacKay. Kenn referred to his notes on the meeting which suggested two main issues arising from the meeting. The first was the issue of communication (or lack of) and the second issue was that the ‘window for funding was now closed’ and that Kairos should be looking at next steps. Bishop Sue said the issue was more confidence – in the system and in the motives of those who had made these decisions. We indicated more seemed to be here than was being spoken (note: this was the day the Kenney speech was made public)

Others were invited to speak of further action in contacting MP and writing letters..

We spent considerable time looking at Kenney’s speech on Anti-semitism and also the document called Kairos Palestine. Kairos is a name used by many groups for many purposes.  Kenn read the entire letter Kenney submitted to the Star on December 24.

Larry implied the ‘smear’ had to be intentional no matter what else the minister might have said.

Bev. gave an update on the Board’s position as of their meeting yesterday.

Brainstorming on next actions:

  • Call a rally of church folks in the region. (Roger)
  • Get ordinary church goers the information they need to be supportive of Kairos (Linda)
  • Educate /inform as to what has happened.


  • Attend public forums (Kenn indicated that Geoff Regan is hosting a public forum on Foreign Affairs on January 12 at Bedford United Church – let’s pack the meeting)
  • Make clear to people that Kairos is the whole ‘network’ and not a central office in Toronto.
  • Well covered by the media – how do we build on this (see latest columns in Chronicle Herald (Monica Graham article)
  • There was the ‘gaff’ in how the news of defunding was given – an apology was sent
  • We need to make connections with other NGO’s – we’re not in this alone!


  • Ian pointed out that the key element here is the different understandings of civil society… we need to make people aware of the ‘why’ of church’s involvement. Longer term strategy might be to ‘legimatize’ such involvement… narrate what it looks like when the church is involved in such issues… we need the voice f our partners as well. “This is an attack on civil society and the nature of our identity as citizens.


  • Roger: It should be about a fair and open dialogue – we’ve been treated with contempt


  • We need to seek support from Evangelical who may have more connection with the government.


  • Ann Marie: Is it the funding we’re going after or do we have a bigger agenda… can we use this experience to address other issues?


  • Paul: get the message out to the individual churches – make Kairos a topic of conversation


  • Linda:  Get the message out to the denominations (Kenn indicated how Atlantic Canadian Presbyterians were given an urgent action update prior to Christmas)


  • Roger; Get local church to create Kairos support groups
  • Ann Marie: are steps being taken to apply for new funding
  • Larry: we also need to get back to the anti-semitic charge ( Larry is part of IJV – see below) we need to make connections with the larger Jewish community and ask them to comment on the accusations.
  • It was determined we need a committee to communicate all of this to the Atlantic Region. Kenn agreed to head up a group with Margaret, Ian Roger Carolyn (and maybe others) to immediate ensure “effective communication with each denomination and with people in the pews
  • We need short info messages from Kairos to explain 1) what Kairos is; 2) what’s happening
  • Kenn invited people to phone talkback after the CBC program tomorrow (420-4499)


We’ll get together again February 3