Urgent call for support of a Treaty Assertion action initiated by the Mi’kmaq in Elsipogtog (Big Cove) New Brunswick
June 13, 2013, 6:50 am
Filed under: announcements, ARC - Atlantic, Halifax Cluster, Items of interest

Urgent call for support of a Treaty Assertion action initiated by the Mi’kmaq in Elsipogtog (Big Cove) New Brunswick

This callout to non-violent action is supported by KAIROS Atlantic in keeping with the region’s ongoing concerns about climate change, hydro-fracking and Indigenous rights. This message is being sent to all four provinces in the region.

The Mi’kmaq people in Elsipogtog (Big Cove) New Brunswick have gathered to oppose SWN Resources’ seismic testing; this testing is designed to search for commercially viable shale gas and is a precursor to any fracking operation.

They believe that SWN Resources’ presence violates the Peace and Friendship Treaty signed with the Crown by threatening their clean drinking water through hydraulic fracturing. Currently, SWN is performing seismic testing to determine where the gas deposits are. Once they have their information, SWN will start buying land up to start drilling their shale gas wells.

There are many people gathering in solidarity on a daily basis on route 126, to have their voices heard on this issue.

There is representation from different First Nations; also present are non-First Nations, Anglophones, Francophones, people of different faiths and people from different provinces. 

There is a call for KAIROS presence!

If you would like to show your support, go to the corner of the 116 and 126, or to Big Cove and ask for Warrior Chief John Levi. There is especially a need for non-Aboriginal and spiritual presence. This is where participants in this action feel that KAIROS could play a role. 

There is also a need for food donations and people to bring cameras to document the action. KAIROS invites your prayers and your careful consideration of the issues that lie behind this protest.

This action will be ongoing until June 15th, and maybe longer.

For more information call Warrior Chief John Levi 1-506-523-5014

Some news coverage of the action:



For more information on KAIROS’ Indigenous rights work and its connections to treaty rights and Free, Prior and Informed Consent, contact Katy Quinn, Indigenous Rights Program Coordinator, at kquinn@kairoscanada.org or 613 235 9956 x224.


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